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  • Meeting the Automation and Sustainability challenges of 2019

    January 11, 2019

    [:en]With the increasingly dire predictions that 2019 is set to be challenging for UK businesses, “the main priority”, writes Tony Corbin for Packaging News, “should be [for businesses] to review their current processes, to identify improvements that will help alleviate these pressures and reduce the true cost of processing and packaging”.

    One of these areas for consideration should be the automation options which, writes Corbin, “can streamline potentially costly manual processes”. Another thing to consider is the “demand for sustainable solutions”, which “is set to drive further development of innovative automated solutions” moving forward.

    At Adelphi we are sensitive to the challenges 2019 is bringing to businesses, and are pleased to be able to offer solutions.

    Automation: From hand-held and benchtop semi-automatic units for those taking their first steps, to fully automated machines and turnkey lines, Adelphi can assist with automation projects for all business sizes.

    Sustainability: Our sustainability credentials speak for themselves, as we won not one but two awards for our environmental efforts in 2018, for our eco-friendly production facility, The Friary. But don’t forget that our sister company Pharma Hygiene Products’ range of stainless steel process equipment (including vessels, utensils and more) provides a great alternative to the less durable, less hygienic plastic versions.

    The ‘B’ word…

    Brexit & Potential Customs Delays: Adelphi are proud to be a trusted UK manufacturer. We have brought more and more of our processes in-house, which has the dual benefits of reducing our carbon footprint and avoiding some of the potentially costly delays.

    Brexit & Potential Labour Shortages: Tony McDonald wrote in a recent edition of Innovations in Food Processing and Packaging that “using automation for repetitive or dangerous tasks protects the remaining workforce, leaving employees free to be upskilled and take on more rewarding roles. Far from replacing human employees, [automation] can actually help to increase staff retention levels”.

    To find out more about how we can help automate your business, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 01444 472300 or email info@adelphi.uk.com.[:]

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